Options for "Computational Intelligence" for Master Studies 2006/2007

Offered courses

WS 2005/06
Machine Learning A
Neural Networks A
Seminar Computational Intelligence E
Seminar Computational Intelligence F
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Advanced Signal Processing 1

SS 2006
Neural Networks B
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
Seminar Computational Intelligence A
Seminar Computational Intelligence B
Seminar/Procekt Computational Intelligence
Adaptive Systems
Speech Communication 2
Speech Communication 2 Laboratory

WS 2006/07
Machine Learning B (counts as core course in this semester!)
Neural Networks A
Seminar Computational Intelligence C
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Advanced Signal Processing 1
Seminar/Project Signal Processing

SS 2007
Neural Networks B
Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
Seminar Computational Intelligence D
Seminar Computational Intelligence E
Seminar/Project Computational Intelligence
Adaptive Systems
Speech Communication 2
Speech Communication 2 Laboratory

WS 2007/08
Machine Learning A
Neural Networks A
Seminar Computational Intelligence F


Seminars change their topics based on various research areas and serve as a basis for master thesis and student projects.

Research areas at the Institut for Theoretical Computer Science (Institut für Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung)

  Possible topics for master theses on reinforcement learning (subsequent to Maschine Learning B ):

  • Adaptive control of humanoid robots
  • Robotic soccer (RoboCup)
  • Action games (racing games, sport games)
  • Strategy games

Joint research project with the EPFL Lausanne on "Adaptive Neural Control of Humanoid Robots".
  • Adaptive control for the humanoid robot HOAP-2 of Fujitsu.
    Movie 1: HOAP-2 kicks the ball after recognizing its position.
    Movie 2: HOAP-2 walks over a slope.
  • Simulation of humanoid robots with the commercial robot simulation software Webots 4.
    Movie: Judo competition between two simulated robots.

  Possible topics for master theses on information processing in neural networks (subsequent to Neural Networks B):

Participation in research projects in collaboration with institutes in the USA, Switzerland, Germany and France.

  • Adaptive control of humanoid robots
  • Computation and learning in circuits of spiking neurons
  • Computational power of cultured neural circuits on silicon
  • Simulation of cortical areas by new special-purpose hardware
  • Computer models for biological vision