Functional network reorganization in motor cortex can be explained by
reward-modulated Hebbian learning
R. Legenstein, S. A. Chase, A. B. Schwartz, and W. Maass
The control of neuroprosthetic devices from the activity of motor cortex
neurons benefits from learning effects where the function of these neurons is
adapted to the control task. It was recently shown that tuning properties of
neurons in monkey motor cortex are adapted selectively in order to compensate
for an erroneous interpretation of their activity. In particular, it was
shown that the tuning curves of those neurons whose preferred directions had
been misinterpreted changed more than those of other neurons. In this
article, we show that the experimentally observed self-tuning properties of
the system can be explained on the basis of a simple learning rule. This
learning rule utilizes neuronal noise for exploration and performs Hebbian
weight updates that are modulated by a global reward signal. In contrast to
most previously proposed reward-modulated Hebbian learning rules, this rule
does not require extraneous knowledge about what is noise and what is signal.
The learning rule is able to optimize the performance of the model system
within biologically realistic periods of time and under high noise levels.
When the neuronal noise is fitted to experimental data, the model produces
learning effects similar to those found in monkey experiments.
Reference: R. Legenstein, S. A. Chase, A. B. Schwartz, and W. Maass.
Functional network reorganization in motor cortex can be explained by
reward-modulated Hebbian learning.
In D. Koller, D. Schuurmans, Y. Bengio, and L. Bottou, editors, Proc. of
NIPS 2009: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 22,
pages 1105-1113. MIT Press, 2010.