Feedback inhibition shapes emergent computational properties of cortical
microcircuit motifs
Z. Jonke, R. Legenstein, S. Habenschuss, and W. Maass
Cortical microcircuits are very complex networks, but they are composed of a
relatively small number of stereotypical motifs. Hence one strategy for
throwing light on the computational function of cortical microcircuits it to
analyze emergent computational properties of these stereotypical microcircuit
motifs. We are addressing here the question how spike-timing dependent
plasticity (STDP) shapes the computational properties of one motif that has
frequently been studied experimentally: interconnected populations of
pyramidal cells and parvalbumin-positive inhibitory cells in layer 2/3.
Experimental studies suggest that these inhibitory neurons exert some form of
divisive inhibition on the pyramidal cells. We show that this data-based form
of feedback inhibition, which is softer than that of winner-take-all models
that are commonly considered in theoretical analyses, contributes to the
emergence of an important computational function through STDP: The
capability to disentangle superimposed firing patterns in upstream networks,
and to represent their information content through a sparse assembly code.
Reference: Z. Jonke, R. Legenstein, S. Habenschuss, and W. Maass.
Feedback inhibition shapes emergent computational properties of cortical
microcircuit motifs.
Journal of Neuroscience, 37(35):8511-8523, 2017.