Seminar Computational Intelligence F (708.116)

WS 2013

Institut f�r Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung (708)

O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maass

Office hours: by appointment (via e-mail)


Location: IGI-seminar room, Inffeldgasse 16b/I, 8010 Graz
Date: starting on October, 3rd 2013, every Thursday, 16.15 - 18.00

Our agreement was, to continue our seminar for phd students and other institute members in a similar way as last semester. We will meet this week on thursday, Oct. 3, at 16:15 in the seminar room to discuss your selection for paper presentations, and dates for talks.

In particular, we want to continue the light journal-club-like style of presentations of work by others, where the presenter has read the paper, and can perhaps show some figures from the paper, but otherwise mainly directs the discussion of the paper (assuming that all participants have looked before into the presented paper).

In addition, we want to continue the tradition of short informal presentations of own research results and problems on the blackboard. This semester we also want to schedule these presentations in advance, but no ppt slides should be shown (except for rare cases where figs that could not possibly be reproduced on the blackboard), and excessive preparation is not desired. If you aim at about 20min presentation time, this will in general be ok (leaving plenty of time for discussion).

Robert (strand computing, and particle filters), Florian (he should report the strategy of his work, and a bit on the preceding NIPS paper by Roelfsema, SHS (theory for CSP), Elmar (movement planning through neural sampling), David (motor control through neural sampling), Christoph (Ca-imaging data analysis), Dejan (learning BNs), Gernot (networks of sWTA's) are all working on interesting new topics, and should give a presentation before they get down to write the final version of a paper on the results (which suggests in most cases a presentation in Oct or Nov).

Either type of presentation should not last longer than 35 or at most 40 minutes.

In the following I have listed a few papers that either contain a new perspective, or contribute to our understanding of microcircuits (esp. role of inhibition, and how sensory input arrives there), and high level organization of brain computations:


In addition Robert has selected some options for papers on Reinforcement learning in the brain, especially on the interplay of model-based and model-free RL in the brain:


30.10.2013 (Wednesday)
Elmar R�ckert and
Dejan Pecevski

Stefan Habenschuss and
Zeno Jonke

Gernot Griesbacher and
Florian Hubner

Robert Legenstein

Christoph Pokorny
Elmar R�ckert on: Activity in the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Reflects Multiple Steps of Future Events in Action Plans
H Mushiake, N Saito, K Sakamoto, Y Itoyama, J Tanji - Neuron, 2006.  pdf
Octave Etard

David Kappel
on: The columnar and laminar organization of inhibitory connections to neocortical excitatory cells
K�tzel, D., Zemelman, B. V., Buetfering, C., W�lfel, M., & Miesenb�ck,G. (2010).  Nature neuroscience.  pdf 

Johannes Bill
Florian Hubner on: Deep Cortical Layers Are Activated Directly by Thalamus
Constantinople, C. M., & Bruno, R. M. (2013).  Science, 340(6140), 1591-1594.  pdf
David Kappel
Octave Etard on: New results regarding cortical amplification of thalamic input
A mini-review of these is provided by:
Y. Han and T. Mrsic-Flogel. A finely tuned cortical amplifier.
Nature Neuroscience, 16(9):1166-1168, 2013. pdf
30.01.2014    15:15 pm
Dejan Pecevski on: Probabilistic brains: knowns and unknowns
A Pouget, JM Beck, WJ Ma, PE Latham - Nature Neuroscience, 2013.  pdf 
Stefan Habenschuss
on: Bayesian Just-So Stories in Psychology and Neuroscience.
JS Bowers, CJ Davis - Psychological bulletin, 2012.  pdf
How the Bayesians Got Their Beliefs (and What those Beliefs Actually Are):
Comment on Bowers and Davis (2012).TL Griffiths, N Chater, D Norris, A Pouget - 2012.  pdf