Institut f�r Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung
O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maass
Office hours: by appointment (via e-mail)
In addition
talks can be presented on the following material, that is closely
related to research projects at our Institute. Some of these
topics could also serve as first step towards a Master project or
The remaining slots for talks (two 40-minute talks at each
seminar meeting) will be assigned at the Organization meeting on
march 2.
If you are particularly interested in a particular one of these
topics (or want to propose an additional one) you can also send
anytime email to Wolfgang Maass.
Probabilistic Inference in Graphical Models:
Selected sections from the book:
Koller-Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models MIT-Press,
chosen with regard to their possible relevance for our
(I would like to suggest, that most talks in this seminar should
cover material from this book, and/or alternative sources for the
same material)
--parts of ch. 13 on MAP inference
--ch. 15: Inference in Temporal Models
--pp 741-754: Bayesian parameter estimation in Bayesian
--parts of ch. 18: Structure learning in Bayesian networks
--ch. 19: Partially Observed Data
--ch. 20: Learning Undirected Models
--ch. 23: Structured Decision Problems
16.03.11: Gerhard Neumann, Slides,
06.04.11: Dejan Pecevski
13.04.11: Stefan Klampfl,
Slides, Bernhard Nessler,Slides
11.05.11: Johannes Bill, Slides,
David Kappel,
12.00 - 14.00h - Brown-Bag-Seminar
Stefan H�usler,
Stefan Habenschuss,
25.05.11: Jing Fang, Slides,
01.06.11: Sabine Schneider,
Slides, Tim
15.06.11: Patrick Ofner, Gernot
Griesbacher,Slides, Zeno
Jonke, Slides,
Applications of Probabilistic Inference in Motor Control for
Robots etc
--Tobias Lang, Marc Toussaint (2010): Probabilistic backward and
forward reasoning in stochastic relational worlds. 26th
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML
--Marc Toussaint: Approximate inference control
[outlines a promising approach for solving motor control tasks
via Bayesian networks, shows that stochastic optimal control is a
special case of this approach, an MA-thesis in this direction
could complement already ongoing work in this direction at
--Tobias Lang, Marc Toussaint (2010): Planning with Noisy
Probabilistic Relational Rules. Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research, 39, 1-49.
[very interesting new approach involving both probabilistic
inference and relational rules; an MA-thesis in this direction
could complement already ongoing work in this direction at IGI
--SJ Gershman, Y Niv: Learning latent structure: carving nature
at its joints, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2010
[This paper provides very important new ideas for robot learning
etc, exploiting learning simultaneously on several layers of
abstraction, on which we will work at our Institute; the paper
itself review primarily related evidence from biological motor
control. In conjunction with some cited papers this review paper
would also provide material for more than 1 talk. This paper
would provide a good basis for a MA-thesis on the development of
methods for fast robot learning.]
--Litvak, Ullman, Cortical circuitry implementing graphical
models von. Neural Computation, 2009.
--S. Shinomoto et al, Relating neuronal firing patterns to
functional differentiation of cerebral cortex, PLOS Computational
Biology 2009
--W. Li, V. Piech, and C. D Gilbert. Perceptual learning and
top-down influences in primary visual cortex. Nature
Neuroscience, 7(6):651-657,
2004. v1
[This paper provides the main background for a potential
MA-thesis (supervised by Dr. Legenstein). MA thesis short
description: "Self-organization of task-dependent computation in
sensory circuits". Results from Li, Piech, and Gilbert (2004)
show that neurons in primary visual cortex can drastically and
rapidly change their feature preferences in dependence of the
currently performed task. This ability suggests that sensory
cortical areas act as adaptive processors, performing different
calculations according to the immediate perceptual demands
(Gilbert et al. 2009). Such complex neuronal behavior is probably
a result of local neural circuits that exploit nonlinear
dendritic properties of single neurons as well as feedback from
other cortical areas. This MA thesis will explore how feedback
indicating the current task can influence the computation of
local circuits of spiking neurons and how the computation can be
self-organized through synaptic plasticity mechanisms.
Further readings: C. D. Gilbert, W. Li, and V. Piech.
Perceptual learning and adult cortical plasticity .
The Journal of Physiology, pages
2743-2751, 2009. (review)
M. Sigman and C. D. Gilbert. Learning to find a shape. Nature
Neurosci., 2000.]
--R. Pascanu and H. Jaeger, A Neurodynamical Model for Working
Preprint, 2010
--A Mazzoni, S Panzeri, N Logothetis, N Brunel (2008) Encoding of
Naturalistic Stimuli by Local Field Potential Spectra in Networks
of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons, PLOS Comp. Biol.,
--A. Mazzoni, K. Whittingstall, N. Brunel, N. K. Logothetis, S.
Understanding the relationships between spike rate and
delta/gamma frequency bands of LFPs and EEGs using a local
cortical network model
NeuroImage 52, 956-972, 2010
Applications of
Probabilistic Inference in Cognitive Science (with the prospect
of porting similar capabilities into machines)
Theory acquisition as stochastic search. T. D. Ullman, N.
D. Goodman and J. B. Tenenbaum (2010). Proceedings of the
Thirty-Second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
Kemp, C., Goodman, N. & Tenenbaum, J. (2010). Learning to
learn causal models. Cognitive Science, 34(7),1185-1243
Theory acquisition and the language of thought. C. Kemp, N. D.
Goodman, and J. B. Tenenbaum (2008). Proceedings of the Thirtieth
Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Learning Structured Generative Concepts. A. Stuhlmueller, J. B.
Tenenbaum, and N. D. Goodman (2010). Proceedings of the
Thirty-Second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
Shi, L., Feldman, N. H., & Griffiths, T. L. (2008).
Performing Bayesian inference with exemplar models. Proceedings
of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
(more details are in Shi, L., Griffiths, T. L., Feldman, N.
H, & Sanborn, A. N. (in press). Exemplar models as a
mechanism for performing Bayesian inference. Psychonomic Bulletin
& Review.